2015年11月26日 星期四

手臂淋巴水腫 治乳癌常見







歡迎病者或家人致電3921 3777,向本會「癌症家庭支援計劃」的註冊護士或社工諮詢放射治療期間的護理。


參考資料:  http://www.orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20140410/00176_063.html

2015年11月19日 星期四

鼻咽癌上眼 螺旋電療保視力(下)


損聽力視力 反應遲鈍









痊癒機會 五至八成








參考資料:  Life

2015年11月18日 星期三

鼻咽癌上眼 螺旋電療保視力(上)

癌症標靶藥愈來愈多,微創手術也愈做愈精細,但對付頭頸腫瘤如﹕鼻咽癌和喉癌,放射治療(俗稱電療)仍是首選;利用高能量的放射線殺死癌細胞。 然而,電療範圍與眼耳口鼻、大腦、呼吸道等重要器官接近,副作用和後遺症最令病人憂慮。短暫副作用,如﹕喉嚨疼痛,口腔潰瘍,失去味覺;長遠後遺症,如﹕ 口鼻分泌減少,記憶力減退,甚至失明,影響日常生活。




陳 ﹕必須做鼻咽內窺鏡檢查,將一條幼軟的纖維鏡伸入鼻腔,觀察有沒有腫塊,當懷疑有不正常細胞,就要抽取組織,在顯微鏡下觀察和診斷。 一旦確診鼻咽癌,需要進一步檢查有否擴散,包括磁力共振、全身正電子掃描,看看癌細胞有沒有擴散至頸淋巴,甚至肺、膀胱和骨,尤其當頸淋巴偏大,擴散可能 性較高。




參考資料:  Life

2015年11月11日 星期三

腸癌病人 減痛有法



幸而,近年醫學界已有一些針對癌痛的新方案,可以大大減低痛楚,留住理想的生活質素。過往,醫生主要利用撲熱息痛、消炎止痛藥、弱嗎啡、強嗎啡等為患者 「減痛」。為提升效果,醫生不單會以「雞尾酒」式的方法處方藥物,亦會考慮選用其他新引入的鎮痛藥。有別於現時的嗎啡類鎮痛藥,新的鎮痛藥能同時抑制兩個 導致痛感的感受體,對軀體性疼痛及神經痛均有療效。最新研究顯示,若採用強嗎啡,可減少七成痛楚,大大提升患者的生活質素。

值得一提的是,不少患者一聽到「嗎啡」便感到憂慮,甚至抗拒醫生處方,事實上,我們希望在患者感到痛楚時,根據痛楚程度及早採用適合及適量的鎮痛藥,維持 患者的身體狀況於一個較理想的鎮痛水平,才能令他們樂觀、積極地接受癌症治療。因此,各位患者及家屬,千萬不要少覷減痛在癌症治療上的角色。

陳亮祖 臨床腫瘤科專科醫生

考資料: http://www.metrohk.com.hk/pda/pda_detail.php?section=daily&id=237869

2015年11月5日 星期四

Continuum of care for colorectal cancer: Finding the optimal treatment course (2)


The continuum-of-care approach in CRC emphasizes individualized therapy that exposes patient to different combinations of cytotoxic and targeted agents. Physicians can utilize, discontinue, or re-use agents across several lines of treatment, according to factors such as: treatment goals; patient preference; patient’s general condition; disease characteristics; and efficacy and tolerability profiles of the drugs. However, the choice of first-line treatment affects which subsequent treatment options can be used, and physicians often undergo an intensive discussion of benefits and risks with patients and their families before each treatment decision.

Patients with unresectable disease but without other tumour-related symptoms are generally offered a doublet cytotoxic regimen, such as oxaliplatin with a fluoropyrimidine, and a targeted agent, for disease control. Current clinical evidence favours bevacizumab in the first-line setting, but KRAS wild-type tumours may benefit from an anti-epidermal growth factor receptor antibody. Upon progression, oxaliplatin or irinotecan may be offered in a sequential manner, along with a targeted biological agent. As second-line treatment, the clinical benefit of the antiangiogenic agent aflibercept was demonstrated in VELUR, a phase III, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Aflibercept with 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) significantly improved overall survival (13.50 versus 12.06 months; hazard ratio [HR] 0.817; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.713-0.937; p<0.0032) and progression-free survival (6.90 vs 4.67 months; HR 0.758; 95% CI 0.661-0.869; p<0.0001) in patients with mCRC previously treated with an oxaliplatin-based regimen, including those who had received bevacizumab. In the present case, the distinct mechanisms of action of irinotecan and aflibercept may have contributed to the patient’s good response. Her regimen appears effective and is also particularly suitable for patients who have a preference for convenient outpatient treatment.

Reference information: www.cancerdoctor.hk
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Oncologist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

2015年11月4日 星期三

Continuum of care for colorectal cancer: Finding the optimal treatment course (1)


Treatment for advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) has evolved over the years, particularly recently with the addition of novel targeted agents to chemotherapy. There are now several treatment combinations and treatment sequences from which patients can benefit under a continuum of care. This case describes a patient with metastatic CRC (mCRC) who initially received upfront capecitabine-oxaliplatin with bevacizumab. Due to poor disease response, she was switched to another cytotoxic combination with a targeted agent and has demonstrated a response.

Presentation and disease course

The patient is a 63-year-old female, with good functional status, who presented to the clinic in February 2014 with right upper quadrant pain. Upon further investigation, she was found to have stage IV CRC with multiple metastatic liver lesions. The tumour tested positive for KRAS mutation. At the time of diagnosis, the tumour was deemed unsuitable for resection and, consequently, the patient was offered combination cytotoxic chemotherapy with the targeted biological agent bevacizumab. The patient initially requested foregoing bevacizumab treatment to avoid the potential side effect of bleeding. She also requested foregoing a convenient regimen and consequently underwent three cycles of capecitabine with oxaliplatin, or XELOX (capecitabine, 1,400 mg twice a day from days 1 to 14; oxaliplatin, 170 mg given every 3 weeks) as an outpatient.

A follow-up positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) scan showed only minimal tumour response (Figure), and her carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level had increased from the pretreatment level of 130 ng/mL to 190 ng/mL. The patient agreed to add bevacizumab (350 mg/cycle, given every 3 weeks) to XELOX at the fourth cycle. After a total of six cycles of XELOX, however, only a small decrease in CEA was seen, Second-line treatment options with other chemotherapy combinations were discussed with the patient, and she continued to stipulate a preference for outpatient treatment. From July 2014, the patient received irinotecan (260 mg) with the addition of the targeted agent aflibercept (200 mg/cycle, given every 2 weeks) to optimize tumour response. Capecitabine was not used because she had thrombocytopenia during the XELOX regimen.

The CEA level decreased to 30 ng/mL at the third cycle of second-line therapy, and to 13.3 ng/mL after the sixth cycle. Furthermore, following the sixth cycle, her tumour responded with marked decrease in size and in fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)uptake of liver lesions (Figure). The patient developed neutropenia (but no fever); otherwise, she tolerated her treatment well. She had earlier received granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for chemotherapy support.


Reference information: www.cancerdoctor.hk
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Oncologist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.