2017年2月23日 星期四

卵巢癌標靶藥物誕生 點燃患者抗癌新希望 (下)











參考資料: 文匯報

2017年2月22日 星期三

卵巢癌標靶藥物誕生 點燃患者抗癌新希望 (上)








人體BRCA基因突變 喪失抑制腫瘤功能






參考資料: 文匯報

2017年2月15日 星期三

Nutritional support essential for cancer patients: Experts

HONG KONG - Oral mucositis, a common complication which inhibits eating that is induced by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, could significantly upset the course of cancer treatment and lead to higher tumor recurrence rates, Chan Leung-cho, a specialist in clinical oncology, said on Tuesday.

Patients suffering from oral mucositis induced by chemotherapy could lose their appetite and become too weak to continue the treatment. Normally a course of chemotherapy takes seven weeks. If oral mucositis interrupts and suspends the treatment, the chemotherapy cannot perform its best result, and the recurrent rate of the cancer might increase 3 to 5 percent for every postponed week of treatment, Chan said.

Chemotherapy, a cancer treatment intended to hinder or cease the growth of cancer cells, might also damage healthy, rapidly divided epithelial cells lining in the mouth. This later gives rise to ulcerations, a prominent symptom of oral mucositis, he said.

Patients who have oral mucositis will find themselves in great oral pain, and have difficulty when eating and swallowing. Reddened, bleeding and swollen mouth and gums are the visible indicators. Such conditions normally develop around four to five days from the onset of the chemotherapy.

Nutritional support is a crucial component of cancer treatment to help patients regain and maintain normal body weight and be physically strong enough to fight against cancer, said Sylvia Lam See-way, a senior registered dietician.

“Generally, a cancer patient has to consume a special diet, which contains higher calories and protein content than usual,” Lam said.

Lorena Cheung Tsui-fun, a registered dietician who is experienced in mapping out individualized diets for cancer patients, said that patients will have a bolstered immune system and be more tolerant of chemotherapy-induced side effects if they have sufficient immunonutrition.

The notion that the sugar in food might promote the growth of cancer cells is a fallacy, Lam and Cheung contended. They warn that cancer patients should not overly abstain from eating a wide range of food.

Cheung suggested eating extra amounts of quality oil, such as olive oil, to boost energy content in patients’ diets. Cancer patients should also snack between meals and consume food which is easy to chew and swallow to enhance their appetite.

“Nutrition modification is important during treatments, but optimizing a patient’s nutrition before the start of chemotherapy is also crucial,” Chan told China Daily, adding that he often recommends that cancer patients load up on nutrients in advance. In such a way they can be better prepared to deal with the damaging outcomes caused by oral mucositis.

According to the European Oncology Nursing Society, the average occurrence rate of oral mucositis among patients who receive chemotherapy is around 40 percent. For those who suffer from head and neck cancer, the rate reaches 100 percent.

As stated by the Department of Health, cancer has become the number one killer in Hong Kong, accounting for 30.2 percent of all registered deaths in 2014.

Reference information:  China Daily Asia
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Oncologist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above

2017年2月14日 星期二


全球每年有1,100萬人證實患上癌症 ,而且發病率有上升的趨勢,而各類癌症篩查亦愈見普及。癌症篩查是以有系統的方法,透過不同的檢測工具向沒有癌症病徵的人士進行檢測,目的希望能從沒有癌症病徵的人群中找出患癌的人,以便能及早進行治癒,減少癌症死亡率。然而,不同癌症的癌症普查也有利與弊,當中更有機會出現假陽性或假陰性的結果,故市民進行檢查前應先考慮自己的需要,再諮詢醫生的建議。






參考資料: 信報

2017年2月10日 星期五

Managing pain in a patient with pancreatic cancer (2) pancreatic cancer (2)


Pain is one of the most common symptoms experienced by cancer patients. It has been estimated that approximately 50 to 70 percent of patients with cancer experience some degree of pain, which usually progresses and intensifies as the disease progresses.¹ One study noted that the incidence of pain in patients with advanced stages of invasive cancer may be as high as 80 percent. The incidence can be as high as 90 percent for those with metastases in osseous structures.² However, more than half of cancer patients have insufficient pain control. Severe pain can significantly impair patients’ quality of life and interfere with their physical rehabilitation, nutrition and mobility. Furthermore, a large number of cancer patients suffer from depression.³

Several practice guidelines on pain control have been formulated. The most widely used algorithm in the management of cancer pain is probably the one formulated by the WHO, called the WHO cancer pain treatment step ladder. These guidelines recommend the use of paracetamol or NSAIDs as an initial step in pain management, followed by opioid analgesic for mild to moderate pain, and strong opioids for moderate to severe pain.⁴ (Figure 2) However, some experts have stated that the WHO guidelines may be inadequate to address current needs and suggested the addition of a fourth interventional step in the form of nerve blocks, intrathecal delivery systems, or surgical procedures.⁵

Oxycodone is a synthetic opioid metabolized to its active metabolite, oxymorphone, in the liver. A comparison of oxycodone CR and morphine demonstrated similar analgesic effects between the two drugs. However, there were significant differences in pain control for patients with underlying renal or hepatic impairment receiving oxyvodone.⁶ although oxycodone is generally more expensive than morphine, it has proven efficacy in treating moderate to severe pain, and its CR formulation allows for the convenience of 12-hour dosing intervals.⁷

The use of opioids, though often perceived to be associated with palliative care, plays and important role in pain management. In the case of our patient, it resulted in satisfactory pain control and improved quality of life, enabling him to undergo and tolerate subsequent chemotherapy, which can potentially control the disease and prolong survival.
Dr Leung-Cho Chan        

Specialist in Clinical Oncology Private practice Hong Kong

Reference information:  oncologytribune
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Oncologist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above

2017年2月9日 星期四

Managing pain in a patient with pancreatic cancer (1)

Presentation and management

This is the case of a 53-year-old married male with children who sought consultation for progressive abdominal pain in April 2014. The pain had been present for 1 to 2 months prior to the consultation, and was previously diagnosed by other doctors as pain due to gastritis.

The patient described the pain as severe, giving it a score of 7 to 8 on a numerical rating scale of 1 to 10. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy was unremarkable, but CT scan revealed a pancreatic tumor with liver metastasis and mild ascites, which was inoperable due to celiac plexus infiltration and secondary lesions in the liver. Pain management was initiated using oxycodone 10 mg controlled-release (CR) tablets twice daily and oxycodone 5 mg capsules as needed.

The patient was informed of possible side effects such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting and constipation. Metoclopramide and a senna-based laxative were prescribed for nausea and vomiting, and constipation, respectively.

The patient then underwent intensity-modulated radiotherapy, receiving 3.0 Gy per fraction at the tumor area, 2.8 Gy at the 0.7 cm tumor margin, and 2.5 Gy at the 1.0 cm tumor margin for a total of 15 fractions given over 3 weeks. (Figure 1)

Pain intensity improved from a score of 7 to 8 initial consultation to 4 after 3 to 4 days of treatment with oxycodone. Two weeks after radiotherapy, pain intensity further reduced to a score of 2. The dose of oxycodone was reduced to one 10 mg CR tablet daily at night time. Oxycodone 5 mg capsule was discontinued and replaced by an NSAID taken as needed during daytime.

During follow-up visits every 1 to 2 months, the patient reported only mild pain. He is now receiving gemcitabine as single-agent chemotherapy at a public hospital.

Dr Leung-Cho Chan                                                
Specialist in Clinical Oncology Private practice Hong Kong

Reference information:  oncologytribune
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Oncologist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.